November Sunset – two views

Taken with iPhone5, using app Camera+. Edited with TouchRetouch, SnapSeed, Distressed FX.


Taken with iPhone5, using BracketMode. Edited with ProHDR, TouchRetouch, SnapSeed, Distressed FX, ImageBlender, Repix.

3 responses to “November Sunset – two views

  1. The top image is so stunning, Anne! And look at all the nests among the branches! A beautiful sight of colors in the sky!

  2. Oh, these capture so much of what I love about fall in the midwest – beautiful work! Both skies are just stunning.

    • Thanks, Courtney. I think that sunsets are the best here in November. There’s just something about the air, the angle of the sun, and the almost bare trees that just makes the late afternoon light seems so beautiful. In another few weeks — and definitely by mid-December — nearly every day until March the sky will look like a “snow sky” and the sunsets will not be as dramatic. The rising sun casts an amazing light on this hillside too, but I’m too dang lazy to get out of bed to take photographs. Morning light is suppose to be the photographer’s friend, but not for this old gal. Now that I can sleep in — or at least not have to hurry out into the cold until I want to — I take advantage in that small luxury. Morning light be damned; I’ll catch the evening light!