Weekly Photo Challenge: Mine

The most recent WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge is “MINE“. My first impression was “MINE!!!” like the plaintive whine of a toddler when another child decides to touch the other’s toy.

I’m not that possessive in terms of physical things these days, although, let’s be honest: we all have times when we want to be that inner toddler. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have special things that hold a meaning and ownership far beyond their actual value.

This is a photo of a simple glass ball that a friend gave me years ago as a birthday present. I like glass and have several glass objects. I like this particular one, not because it was a present, though it does remind me of my friend, nor because of its particular appearance. I like it because of where it hangs in my dining room window. Its appearance changes during the day: milky on foggy mornings before I turn on the room lights, translucent on clear summer evenings as the lower western sun casts long light into room. On overcast days like today it can reflect the trees behind the house, magnifying and distorting their colors and shapes.

Be sure to check out other participants entries in this week’s challenge. You can participate too.